Hello, I'm

Kamal Teja

Web Developer

Hello, I'm

Kamal Teja

Web Developer

About Me

I'm a Web Developer

I had started web development 2 years back and have created many test projects and official projects, as I strongly believe in the motto of "Learning by doing". I really like testing and implementing different things as it makes the process of web development more enjoyable.

For the past year I have been running a Youtube channel called Packetcode, the main idea behind this is to make programming easy, simple and fun for everyone.

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My Projects

COVID-19 Tracker

This is a COVID-19 tracker web app which takes the data from the public API CSSEGISandData provided by Johns Hopkins University. In this tracker we take the data from this API using PHP and parse it and display it on the frontend in a table.


The main idea behind this project is to share messages anonymously and securely. All the messages created and shared using this web app are time bound i.e. these messages automatically disappear after 24hhrs.

COVID-19 Tracker India

This is a COVID-19 tracker web app which takes the data from the public API covid19india, open sourced by the people in india. In this tracker we take the data from this API using Javascript, parse it and display it on the frontend in the form of a chart using Chart.js.

Job Aggregator

The motive behind this project is to bridge the gap between the employer and the employee. This is a simple web app where we post many available job postings in various companies and anyone can signup and apply for that job from this web app.

Pomodoro Timer

This is a simple web app which can be used to follow the Pomodoro Technique i.e. this contains a timer in it, which is preset to 25mins. You can start the timer, do your work and once the timer hits zero, it rings a bell implying the end of the session.

Social Wall

This is a platform where people can share anything that they want. This is similar to the Facebook wall but much simpler. Here anyone can signup and share any link or video or photo that they want others in the community to see.

Social Media

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